Want to become equipped to work one-on-one or lead a small group through Unbound?
If you have been through Unbound, you know what a powerful discipleship tool it is.
Through daily reading and Scripture saturation, participants develop a firm (or firmer) grasp on their identity in Christ. They also develop a much more solid understanding of the nature and character of God, deepen their confidence in the nature and character of God, and gain a more solid faith in and understanding of how that all intersects with their life. We regularly hold a 13-week focused training module via live-streaming to prepare Unbound graduates to be trained and equipped to lead a small group using Unbound and to become Certified Unbound Leaders. (We can also provide an on-site week-long intensive for churches and biblical counseling ministries seeing to have their teams trained by us.) This is a 13-week intensive covering all 26 lessons, all 26 Study Sheets, the Ladder-Bridge of Faith and Restore supplemental tools, and all of the additional tools contained in the curriculum. Those who complete the Unbound Leader's Course will have a nuanced understanding of the material, understand small group dynamics, and be well equipped to effectively lead individuals or small groups through the Unbound program. Interested in becoming a Certified Unbound Leader?
To be a Certified Unbound Leader, a candidate must have completed at least one "round" as an Unbound participant under the guidance of a TILBCC-approved leader, have successfully completed this training module (either through TILBCC or a TILBCC Certified Unbound Training Center), and be approved by the Program Director following an interview. |
The next Live Training Module begins Thursday, January 23, 2023 Register for the Self-paced option to begin at any time.
and SELF-PACED options Questions? Email our Program Administrator at [email protected]